Monday, June 11, 2007

Synergy with Syngas

Hello All,
our talks have been going well with various agencies at the state and federal level. Our Director of Sales, Andrew Day and our Director of Engineering, Eric Day, recently traveled to Washington DC where they had a meeting with the Department of Energy's Hydrogen Program. They report that the meeting was very successful. DOE was intrigued by what Days Energy Systems had to offer.

Meetings have also been ongoing with the Massachusetts State House and Governor Deval Patrick's administration. Andrew Day reports that the Patrick administration is very interested in developing a test site for the complete system.

Andrew reports that he has spoken with representatives of various departments at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst and that they are interested in being the test site. Funding is the last piece of the puzzle for the University deal and Andrew has been in talks with Congressman John Olver's office to discuss that issue.

Stay tuned!